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crew management service

Crew Management

Crewing operations is the key to attract, develop and retain the best crew for your fleet. Our team ensures only the skilled and trained seafarer join us on board.

building management service

New building management

The experienced and professional project management team ensures that the ship building process is based upon the contract, specification and rules to receive a well-built ship and enjoy lower lifecycle cost.

dry dock service

Dry dock management

We identify objectives, prepare comprehensive specifications and execute the project as per planned, to minimize unforeseen expenses and ensure quality.

consultancy service

Maritime Consultancy

Our expert engineers provide consultancy services for ships and offer extensive range of business solutions, advice, and support.

insurance service

Insurance & Claim Solving

We assist in issuing policies as well as act on behalf of clients, liaise directly with loss adjusters and insurance companies to finalize claims and settlements efficiently.

certificates & registery service

Registry & Certificates

The experienced guidance you can trust. We are in close contact with authorities to register vessels and get certificates.

pre purchase surveys service

Pre-purchase inspections and surveys

We inspect vessels internationally and provide a detailed inspection survey on the vessel situation.

ship brokering service

Ship brokering

Our long experience in maritime opened for us a large network of ship owners to enable finding potential buyers for your vessel, or finding vessels in the market that suit your business.